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  • Bioproton

    Safer and natural feed additives for better meat quality

Opportunities to boost value-add opportunities for animals through development of smart feed &/or supplements, industrialised feeding and health monitoring systems, and transmissible disease controls.

Bioproton is a developer and manufacturer of high-quality feed supplements for poultry, swine, ruminant, aqua and companion animals. 

It invests heavily in research and development to create unique feed additives that improve meat quality and are relevant to the global feed industry. It sells to over 45 countries. 

Its latest products – Natupro and Natufactant – improve animal health and metabolism, in turn improving meat quality and retail value. These are being exported to Asia, America, Africa, and Middle East markets. These new products have helped attract new customers, increased sales and revenue, and reinforced Bioproton’s global market reputation. 

External academic and industry partnerships have been as vital to Bioproton’s success as its internal investment in R&D. With funding from FIAL, it strengthened its collaboration with the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI) and conducted the research needed to create the two new products. 

It studied safer and more natural alternatives to antibiotics growth promoters and synthetic antioxidants, focusing on chickens and swine. Natupro helps maintain diverse gut microbiota and intestinal integrity, improving gut health and animal performance. Natufactant improves energy absorption from fats and oils through better emulsification and fat hydrolysis. 

With a growing global feed market, Bioproton is well-positioned for growth. 

This case study is from FIAL's 2022 edition of Celebrating Australian Food and Agribusiness Innovations 2022

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