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Aligning Australia's Food and Agribusiness $200b Potential to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals

Aligning Australia's food and agribusiness potential to create maximum impact

The Food and Agribusiness Growth Centre (FIAL) published Capturing the Prize: The A$200 billion opportunity in 2030 for the Australian food and agribusiness sector in 2020. This report identifies 19 growth opportunities, both pre- and post-farmgate, with the potential to unlock more than AU$200 billion of value added by 2030.

Further analysis has found that these 19 opportunities link closely to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their corresponding 169 targets, which were developed by the United Nations (UN) as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

This report highlights the linkages between the 19 growth opportunities and the SDGs.