FIAL Business Plan 2020-2021

This 2020-21 Business Plan outlines FIAL’s programs and initiatives to support industry within a context never-before-seen uncertainty and disruption. These initiatives, backed by FIAL’s targeted communications and marketing strategy, will aid sector recovery.

A focus on innovation is the engine of future growth, whilst connectivity with customers and markets will aid recovery. Total income for the year will be $10.8 million which also includes innovation grant funds carried over from previous years. Project expenses account for more than half of the total costs of $10.7 million.

Sharing Knowledge

We combine market information and insights and create relevant and practical knowledge that  can be used make informed commercial decisions.

Building Capability

We inspire growth and business confidence by providing practical skills from industry experts to develop innovative products, processes and access new markets.

Creating Connections

We connect businesses with researchers to kickstart industry investment, foster innovation and encourage new product, process, and technology development.