Blog categorized as Industry Report

Social Glue
Social glue is the invisible threads or soft infrastructure that create community-driven interconnections between people within a region, to share tacit knowledge and develop deep personal linkages to build foundations for regional development and economic growth.
03/12/21 02:14 PM - Comment(s)
From Expedience to Innovation
‘From Expedience to Innovation’ explores how people learn (heuristics) and the operating processes we need to embrace for complexity to work for us . The report also looks at how we can supercharge the food and agribusiness sector in order to enhance innovative thinking.
18/03/21 12:07 PM - Comment(s)
The A$200 billion opportunity in 2030 for the Australian food and agribusiness sector

From droughts and bushfires to a pandemic, Australia’s food and agribusiness industry (Industry) has navigated major disruptions in recent years. These events aside, the Industry has an immense opportunity before it to deliver greater value for the Australian economy. We must look to invest and inno...

02/11/20 05:24 PM - Comment(s)
FIAL European Cluster Visit 2016
Whilst in Europe in 2016, FIAL took the opportunity to meet with different cluster leaders, academic experts and government policy makers to learn what principles should be followed to encourage the formation of successful clusters in Australia.
01/11/20 02:20 PM - Comment(s)
CSIRO Futures Roadmap for Growth
Future growth of the sector cannot be sustained by productivity improvements alone. CSIRO Futures worked with FIAL and other industry and researchers to identify major growth opportunities and what the food and agribusiness sector needs to do to achieve them.
13/10/20 06:24 PM - Comment(s)
Size of the Prize: An Overview of 16 Opportunities for Australian Food & Agribusinesses
An Overview of 16 Opportunities for Australian Food & Agribusinesses. The food and agribusiness sector is faced with a number of challenges and opportunities related to demand, supply, innovation, and regulation that will shape the evolution of the sector over the next 5-10 years
13/10/20 06:17 PM - Comment(s)
Protein Market: Size of the prize analysis for Australia
Many consumers are increasingly basing their food purchasing decisions on the nutritional value of the products, particularly around the protein content. Food businesses must be kept up-to-date with the latest trends in health and nutrition.
13/10/20 06:13 PM - Comment(s)
Strategic Clusters for Sustainable Growth
The TCI Network brings together organisations and practitioners to collectively advance the practice of competitiveness, innovation, and cluster development.
05/10/20 10:42 PM - Comment(s)
Anuga 2019 Report
Anuga is the world’s largest food and beverage trade fair. With 2019 being the 100th anniversary, the focus was on current trends, innovations and visionary concepts.
05/10/20 10:37 PM - Comment(s)
Markets in Profile: India and Sri Lanka
Dr Michele Allan, Food Innovation Australia Limited’s (FIAL) Chair, joined Hon. Simon Birmingham, Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, on a recent trip to India and Sri Lanka.
05/10/20 09:58 PM - Comment(s)
Changing Job and Skill Implications in Australia's Food & Agribusiness Sector
The following report builds upon previous work undertaken by FIAL to identify cross-sectoral opportunities for agriculture and food manufacturers.
30/09/20 03:39 PM - Comment(s)
Counting the Cost
Food and wine fraud is a global issue that affects all consumers and has a large impact upon Australia’s economy. However, there is limited up-to-date data available which outlines the nature of this cost.
23/11/17 03:37 PM - Comment(s)